# Table

All tables in the application are using the BoostrapVue table component (opens new window).

To use the component, include the <b-table> tag in the template. The component is registered globally so does not need to be imported in each SFC.

# Basic table

There are a few required properties to maintain consistency across the application. The full list of options can be viewed on the Bootstrap-vue table component's documentation page (opens new window).

# Required properties

  • items - renders table items
  • fields - renders table header
  • hover - enables table row hover state
  • responsive or stacked - makes the table responsive (enables horizontal scrolling or stacked view) at the defined breakpoint
  • show-empty (required if table data is generated dynamically) - shows an empty message if there are no items in the table
  • empty-text (required if table data is generated dynamically) - the translated empty message

Basic table example Basic empty tableexample


  export default {
    data() {
      items: [
          name: 'Babe',
          age: '3 years',
          color: 'white, orange, grey'
          name: 'Grey Boy',
          age: '4 months',
          color: 'grey'
      fields: [
          key: 'name',
          label: this.$t('table.name') //translated label
          key: 'age',
          label: this.$t('table.age') //translated label
          key: 'color',
          label: this.$t('table.color') // translated label

# Sort

To enable table sort, include sortable: true in the fields array for sortable columns and add the following props to the <b-table> component:

  • sort-by
  • no-sort-reset
  • sort-icon-left

Table sort example

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      items: [...],
      fields: [
          key: 'name',
          label: 'Name', //should be translated
          sortable: true
          key: 'rank',
          label: 'Rank', //should be translated
          sortable: true
          key: 'description',
          label: 'Description', //should be translated
          sortable: false

# Expandable rows

To add an expandable row in the table, add a column for the expand button in the fields array. Include the tdClass table-row-expand to ensure icon rotation is handled. Use the built in cell slot (opens new window) to target the expand button column and add a button with the chevron icon.

Include the TableRowExpandMixin (opens new window). The mixin contains the dynamic aria-label and title attribute values that need to be included with the expand button. The toggleRowDetails method should be the button's click event callback. Be sure to pass the row object to the function.

Use the row-details slot (opens new window) to format the expanded row content. The slot has access to the row item property.

# Summary

  1. Add a column for the expansion row button with the tdClass, table-row-expand
  2. Include the TableRowExpandMixin to handle the dynamic aria label, title, and row expansion toggling
  3. Use the #cell slot to target the expandable row column and add the button with accessible markup and click handler
  4. Use the #row-details slot to format expanded row content

Table row expand example

    <template #cell(expandRow)="row">
        <icon-chevron />
    <template #row-details="row">
      <h3>Expanded row details</h3>
      {{ row.item }}
import IconChevron from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/chevron--down/20';
import TableRowExpandMixin, { expandRowLabel } from '@/components/Mixins/TableRowExpandMixin';

export default {
  components: { IconChevron },
  mixins: [ TableRowExpandMixin ],
  data() {
    return {
      items: [...],
      fields: [
          key: 'expandRow',
          label: '',
          tdClass: 'table-row-expand',

The table is leveraging BootstrapVue table filtering (opens new window) for search. Add the @filtered (opens new window) event listener onto the <b-table> component. The event callback should track the total filtered items count.

Import the <search> and <table-cell-count> components and include them in the template above the <b-table> component.

Include the SearchFilterMixin (opens new window). Add the @change-search and @clear-search event listeners on the <search> component and use the corresponding onChangeSearchInput and onClearSearchInput methods as the event callbacks. The table should also include the dynamic :filter prop with searchFilter set as the value.

The <table-cell-count> component requires two properties, total table item count and total filtered items count.

Add the :empty-filtered-text prop to the table to show the translated message if there are no search matches.

Table search example

Table search active example

Table search empty example

import Search from '@/components/Global/Search';
import TableCellCount from '@/components/Global/TableCellCount';
import SearchFilterMixin, { searchFilter } from '@/components/Mixins/SearchFilterMixin';

export default {
  components: { Search, TableCellCount },
  mixins: [ SearchFilterMixin ],
  data() {
    return {
      items: [...],
      fields: [...],
      filteredItems: [],
  computed: {
    filteredItemsCount() {
      return this.filteredItems.length;
  methods: {
    onFiltered(items) {
      this.filteredItems = items;

# Row actions

To add table row actions, add a column for the action buttons in the table. Then in the array of table items, add a corresponding array of actions for each item. The array should have each desired row action with a value and title property.

Import the <table-row-action> component. Provide the value and title props to the component and use the named #icons slot to include an icon. The component will emit a @click-table-action with the event value.

Table row actions example

    <template #cell(actions)="row">
        v-for="(action, index) in row.item.actions"
        @click-table-action="onTableRowAction($event, row.item)"
        <template #icon>
          <icon-edit v-if="action.value === 'edit'"/>
          <icon-delete v-if="action.value === 'delete'"/>
import IconDelete from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/trash-can/20';
import IconEdit from '@carbon/icons-vue/es/edit/20';
import TableRowAction from '@/components/Global/TableRowAction';

export default {
  components: { IconDelete, IconEdit, TableRowAction },
  data() {
    return {
      items: [...],
      fields: [
          key: 'actions',
          label: '',
          tdClass: 'text-right text-nowrap',
  computed: {
    itemsWithActions() {
      return this.items.map((item) => {
        return {
          actions: [
              value: 'edit',
              title: this.$t('global.action.edit'),
              value: 'delete',
              title: this.$t('global.action.delete'),
  methods: {
    onTableRowAction(event, row) {
      // row action callback

# Filters

To add a table dropdown filter:

  1. Import the <table-filter>component and TableFilterMixin.
  2. Add a filters prop to the <table-filters> component. This prop should be an array of filter groups–each required to have a key, label, and values prop.

The label prop value should be the translated filter group label. The key prop will usually match the filtered by table column key. The values prop should be an array of filter values that will render as a list of checkbox items in the dropdown.

The component will emit a @filter-change event that will provide the filter group and all selected values in the group. Use the getFilteredTableData method from the TableFilterMixin to show the filtered table data.

Table filter example

Table filter active example

      <b-col class="text-right">
import TableFilter from '@/components/Global/TableFilter';
import TableFilterMixin from '@/components/Mixins/TableFilterMixin';

export default {
  components: { TableFilter },
  mixins: [ TableFilterMixin ],
  data() {
    return {
      items: [...],
      fields: [...],
      tableFilters: [
          label: this.$t('table.status'),
          key: status,
          values: ['Open', 'Closed']
      activeFilters: [],
  computed: {
    filteredItems() {
      return this.getFilteredTableData(this.items, this.activeFilters);
  methods: {
    onTableFilterChange({ activeFilters }) {
      this.activeFilters = activeFilters;

# Date filter

To add a date filter, import the <table-date-filter> component. It will emit a @change event with the user input date values. There is a date filter method, getFilteredTableDataByDate, in the TableFilterMixin.

# Batch actions

Batch actions allow a user to take a single action on many items in a table at once.

To add table batch actions:

  1. Import the <table-toolbar>component and BVTableSelectableMixin
  2. Add the selectable, no-select-on-click props and a unique ref to the table. The table will emit a @row-selected event. Use the onRowSelected mixin method as a callback and provide the $event as the first argument and the total table items count as the second argument.
  3. Add a table column for checkboxes. The table header checkbox should use the tableHeaderCheckboxModel and tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate values provided by the mixin. The table header checkbox should also use the onChangeHeaderCheckbox method as a callback for the @change event with the table ref passed as an argument. The table row checkboxes should use the toggleSelectRow method as a callback for the @change event with the table ref passed as the first argument and the row index passed as the second argument.
  4. Add an actions prop to the <table-toolbar> component. This prop should be an array of toolbar actions–required to have a value and label prop. Add the selected-items-count prop to the <table-toolbar> component. The component will emit a @batch-action event that will provide the user selected action. It will also emit a @clear-selected event. Provide the clearSelectedRows as a callback with the table ref passed as an argument.

Table batch action example

Table batch action active example

      @row-selected="onRowSelected($event, items.length)"
      <template #head(checkbox)>
      <template #cell(checkbox)="row">
          @change="toggleSelectRow($refs.table, row.index)"
import TableToolbar from '@/components/Global/TableToolbar';
import BVTableSelectableMixin, {
} from '@/components/Mixins/BVTableSelectableMixin';

export default {
  components: { TableToolbar },
  mixins: [ BVTableSelectableMixin ],
  data() {
    return {
      items: [...],
      fields: [
          key: 'checkbox'
      tableToolbarActions: [
          value: 'edit',
          label: this.$t('global.action.edit')
          value: 'delete',
          label: this.$t('global.action.delete')
  methods: {
    onBatchAction(action) {
      // Do something with selected batch action and selected rows

# Pagination

To add table pagination:

  1. Import the BVPaginationMixin
  2. Add the per-page and current-page props to the <table> component.
  3. Add the below HTML snippet to the template. Make sure to update the total-rows prop.


  <b-col sm="6">
  <b-col sm="6">

Table pagination example

      <b-col sm="6">
      <b-col sm="6">
import BVPaginationMixin, {
} from '@/components/Mixins/BVPaginationMixin';

export default {
  mixins: [ BVPaginationMixin ],
  data() {
    return {
      items: [...],
      fields: [..],